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Puskás as a referee in Hegykő farewell match

04 Nov. 2019.

Following Ferenc Puskás' homecoming, the former Honvéd, Real Madrid and Hungary legend participated as a star guest in many charity galas and events designed to popularise football. This is why he appeared in Hegykő in 1993 at a local farewell match as the referee, and not just amongst any old company either...

The PUSKAS.COM website's designer Attila Fekete was given two photographs of the event, which took place 26 years ago, by an associate, Tamás Pluzsik, who found them deep in one of his drawers. Tamás wrote that: "I believe I took this photo at the Hegykő farewell match in 1993 between Hegykő and an Actors' XI on the village football pitch, where were the referees. Not bad... perhaps I don't even need to write the names..." Therefore we'll do the honours: The three referees were Nándor Hidegkuti, Ferenc Puskás and Jenő Buzánszky.

In the photo of the two teams together, there are also some familiar faces. Here is the almost-complete list of names:

Standing from left to right (surnames first): Törőcsik András, Kóczán György, Hidegkuti Nándor, Pócza Gyula, Kóczán Géza, Puskás Ferenc, Bak András, Pintér László Senior, Esterházy Márton, Tóth Zoltán, Horváth Doricsa Ferenc, Bubik István, Novák Dezső, Biacsics János, Locsmándi István, Orbán Viktor, Zambó István Pittuka,?, Szabó Bence, Nemcsák Károly, Rab Tibor, Szendrei József.

Kneeling down from left to right: Hanzséros Imre, Horváth József, Buzánszky Jenő, Szabó László, Bindes Gábor, Eperjes Károly, Horváth Károly, Solymos Alajos, Izsó Ignác, ?, Kertész Mátyás.

We thank Attila and Tamás for the photographs!

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